Sunrise Montessori School, Inc.

providing preschool, pre-k transitional and kindergarten programs since 2005

31 Hayward St., Suite J2  Franklin, MA  02038

Copyright Sunrise Montessori School, Inc.    All rights reserved.


Here are a few examples of letters the Head of School and staff have received over the past 19 years from parents and students. Many families have joined the Sunrise community after speaking with a family whose child currently attends or previously attended our school.  

I wanted to thank you for the update and wonderful photos!  We so enjoy seeing all the wonderful projects and hearing about his day once [our son] is home, but it’s really lovely to read the more detailed description from his teachers, and especially nice to see the kids in action this week.  We’re so grateful we found an environment for [our son] that encourages natural curiosity and learning through play and allows each child room to grow and develop with grace and kindness. Thank you for all you do. 
current parent

I learned so much from my recent classroom observation visit.  The classrooms were so open and bright, and the children were happily engaged in activities.  I never imagined a preschool classroom could be so calm! Kudos to the staff!   
Except from a follow-up email - a prospective parent 

Sunrise Montessori School has been the best decision for my children's education! My son and daughter have both been attending for the past two years, with my daughter currently completing her kindergarten year at Sunrise. The Montessori philosophy has resonated so strongly with both of my children, and this has trickled over to our home as well. My children are always talking about how lucky they are to go to such a special school - and we couldn't agree more! Peacemakers, peace, grace, and courtesy are common topics of conversation in our house. At their young ages, my children have already begun to have such a deep understanding of the world they live in, very much in a global sense as well as down to our local and household community. They have a deep understanding and love of nature and all creatures as well. The independence they have gained through Practical Life and Sensorial teachings is amazing, and I could not be more proud! The teachers are nothing short of sensational, and they have made a lasting impact on all of us. They have guided and challenged my children both academically and to be the best people they can be.
parent of two alum children

I want to thank the teachers for their recent presentation on the Montessori Kindergarten Curriculum. I can attest to the fact that my son has learned so many skills and concepts in the past 3 years, and he has developed self confidence and independence. He loves coming to school every day!
former parent

I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the kindergarten program at Sunrise. Our son is learning far more than we ever imagined and his confidence continues to grow. In comparison, when our oldest child attended public kindergarten, she seemed unchallenged and wanted to go back to see her former teachers and classmates. We wish we had kept her at Sunrise for a 3rd year!  former parent who enrolled 2 children

We looked at several area preschools, but the moment we toured Sunrise we knew it was the right fit for our son.
former parent

My daughter has always been the type of child who tries to do everything on her own. It's refreshing to know that her independent skills are not only being acknowledged, but encouraged at school.  current parent

When my wife and I started to look for a preschool program for our son we didn't know much about Montessori. We came to an open house, talked to the teachers and soon realized that WE wanted to come to school. Our son has been at Sunrise for the past 2 years and I tell everyone about the school. He loves it so much that we increased from just the morning program to the full day program. As parents we can't say enough about Montessori.  former parent​

The 3 year program has really worked out for our daughter. She was initially shy when she started at Sunrise two years ago,
but she is now so outgoing and confident. We are thankful for the welcoming vibe, great teachers and supportive curriculum. Although it will be a transition to public first grade, we know she is well-prepared and can handle anything
former parent   ​

Our oldest child loved the programs so much that we didn't hesitate when our youngest turned 2.9 years old.  former parent

My son's teachers are very inspiring. He can't wait to tell me about his day and to be honest, coming from a typical preschooler this is always a pleasant surprise. former parent

I can't say enough about the teachers at Sunrise Montessori. Two of my children began attending Sunrise just weeks after arriving in this country. They blossomed in the secure, nurturing environment that Sunrise provides. I was amazed at how rapidly they learned the language and were able to interact with their peers. The teachers at Sunrise make each child feel special, giving them so much personal attention, allowing them to follow their interests and gain the skills they need. All three of my children, now graduates of Sunrise, frequently refer to the knowledge and experiences that came from their years at Sunrise Montessori.
parent of three alum children

My husband and I weren't sure we could afford to send both of our children to private school at the same time, but we are glad we did. It was the best investment for our family. And Sunrise was able to work out a flexible payment schedule for us. This is not something we encountered at other schools. parent of two alum children